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Bookmarkfrog Social Bookmarking SitesCountriesCategoriesBlogContact Submit Stories TRENDING NOW SUBMIT STORY Recent Stories How tO ModiFy OR Change passengers Name On Frontier Airlines Flight Ticket? #NameModification Bookmarkmonk request you to please do not publish Sexual, Shocking, Explosives, Guns, gun parts, and related products, Other weapons, Tobacco, Recreational drugs, Alcohol sale or misuse, Online gambling, Prescription drugs […]

However, one important factor is that you have to be regular to garner popularity. If you are irregular on the platform, you won’t be able to keep up or stay updated. Once that has been taken care of, automatically you will be able to fare well on a social bookmarking site and off-page SEO.Is Bookmarking Good for SEO?Recently there has been quite a ruckus as to whether social bookmarking is at all good for Search Engine Optimisation. Many were also of the opinion that social bookmarking actually does more harm than good to your site.However, speaking from a neutral point of view, this is completely a myth. Using a social bookmarking site is exactly beneficial and it can help you render wonders for your website. You have to understand that backlinks generally play a very important role when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation and driving relevant traffic to your site. This factor gets pushed manifold when you use social bookmarking and that too very prominently.Not only for backlinks but social bookmarking also helps you to build an online presence and will gain credibility very easily. You just have to be sure about the domain you are picking up and whether or not the site that you are using for social bookmarking is relevant enough.It is very important to stick to your niche because that will attract traffic that is organic in nature and it will actually impact the numbers. Always trust social bookmarking as it does good to your Search Engine Optimization, unlike the popular opinions.What Are The Types of Social Bookmarking?Now we have come to the part where we will talk about what are the various types of social bookmarking. We have already made an in-depth study about what a social bookmarking site is and exactly how it can be used to render traffic. The various types of social bookmarking include:Free SitesAs the name would suggest, this bookmarking site allows you to bookmark without any additional cost and you can do that absolutely easily. You do not need to pay any quarterly, monthly, or yearly subscription that will allow you to post the bookmarks.The free bookmarking sites are the most popular of the lot because they can be easily accessed. Not only that, not everyone can afford to pay and then go bookmarking.The free variant allows people to not only venture on a social bookmarking site but also post regularly. This will help you to garner traffic and will automatically be quite beneficial as well.Paid SitesNow that we have learned what free sites are and how they help in social bookmarking, it is time to learn about the paid variants as well. Unlike the free ones, here you have to pay a nominal subscription fee and this usually changes from site to site.Once you pay the amount, you can choose to post to your heart’s content as you are entitled to premium services. However, there are certain social bookmarking sites, where the rule is that unless you pay for the subscription, the bookmark will get deleted automatically after a few days.There are also some variants where you have to post a link to the website in your own handle so that there is an option for reverse traffic generation.We have already learned some of the best names when it comes to the social bookmarking sites list in and how these can be used manifold to leverage the best benefits. Social bookmarking as a concept has developed and the primary reason is that it allows for a great traffic generation that is organic in nature. There are free sites like Tumblr, Reddit as well as Pinterest which allow you to bookmark and do not even charge anything in return.Keep scrolling down, read the final part of this article, and then reach the conclusion where we have got a BONUS for you- the list of social bookmarking sites in.

However, one important factor is that you have to be regular to garner popularity. If you are irregular on the platform, you won’t be able to keep up or stay updated. Once that has been taken care of, automatically you will be able to fare well on a social bookmarking site and off-page SEO.Is Bookmarking […]

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[Is Blockchain Support Number 24 hours??] #Can you talk to people on Blockchain ?? @Talk~Live~Supp [Is Blockchain Support Number 24 hours??] #Can you talk to people on Blockchain ?? @Talk~Live~Supp [Is Blockchain Support Number 24 hours??] #Can you talk to people on Blockchain ?? @Talk~Live~Supp [Is Blockchain Support Number 24 hours??] #Can you talk to […]